Cold Case
Unknown dead – reward for any hints
On July 5th 2016 a male body was found in a metal box in the Elbe near Dessau-Roßlau. The man became a victim of a crime. Although many hints were given, he could not be identified yet. A reward of up to 2.500 euros is offered.
According to the knowledge available so far the man was:
- about 45 - max. 60 years old
- of athletic build
- weighted about 75 kg
- was about 180 cm high
Investigations conclude that the unknown man resided in Germany for at least ten years, although he did not originate from Middle Europe. The slayed seemed to have been raised in the southeastern part of Europe where he lived until the age of 35.
Reconstructed portraits
Metal box
- manufacturer: BETRA
- was produced in high quantity until 1991
- striking details:

Who knows Michaela?
The dead wore a tattoo on the left underarm and a golden ring with the engraving “Michaela“.
Further questions of the police:
- Who is the killed?
- Who has seen the man before July 5th 2016?
- Where was the man seen before July 5th 2016?
- Who can give further information in regard to the shown items ( ring, box) as well as the tattoo?
- Who has made any relevant oberservations in the area of the (mentioned) Elbbrücke before July 5th 2016?
Should you be able to provide relevant information
please contact the responsible police inspection Polizeiinspektion Magdeburg at +49 391 546-1687 or any other police department. Information can be treated confidentially.